Second-use battery storage unit
Recycling of cooling appliances

The world of the
REMONDIS Lippe Plant


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REMONDIS´ Lippe Plant
  • Taking a really close look at water is just one of the specialities of UCL – the REMONDIS Group’s certified and accredited specialist laboratory. What’s more, UCL analyses all of the materials sent for recycling and disposal.

  • Drinking water values
    Umwelt Control Labor is in charge of analysing and monitoring the quality of our most important foodstuff.

  • Range of tasks

    Range of services

    From taking and preparing samples, to carrying out analyses, all the way through to compiling inspection reports.

    Automated & digitalised

Tracking purity levels – for you, too

  • Top quality drinking water – at the press of a button or the twist of a tap. This is simply taken for granted here in Germany but the whole process is anything but simple. There are two pivotal reasons why you don’t need to worry about the quality and reliability of your water supply: the strict quality regulations and the guarantee that these are adhered to. The latter is one of Umwelt Control Labor’s many tasks at the Lippe Plant. Our analysis work makes an important contribution towards safeguarding drinking water supplies – for example, in water processing facilities. Every single day. Right across Germany. An excellent example of how the Lippe Plant, an industrial centre, is closely linked to the everyday lives of local residents.

    The German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) as a PDF

Examples of drinking water values (maximum) in Germany

Our groundwater is becoming increasingly polluted – especially with nitrate

    • It may be true that our health would only be affected if the concentration of these substances is way above these maximum values but the subject is still extremely important. Especially if you take into consideration that pollution levels of some of these substances are steadily rising. The groundwater in some regions, for example, is polluted with nitrate. That means the maximum value of 50 mg/l has been clearly exceeded. One of the reasons for this is the excessive use of liquid manure as a fertiliser. While the nitrate contained in the fertiliser promotes plant growth, it also seeps through the soil into the groundwater – an unwanted and dangerous side-effect. This is all the more problematic because groundwater is a common and popular source of drinking water in Germany because of its stable high quality.

Nothing escapes UCL. Nowhere.

  • No matter where and no matter what needs sampling, analysing and documenting – UCL is on the scene. Its range of services includes environmental analyses and analyses of waste and drinking water as well as air and operation analyses. So much expertise is, of course, in demand. Within the REMONDIS Group as well as beyond. Every year, these state-of-the-art laboratories handle 200,000 samples from over 3,700 customers. The materials that need analysing are not always as directly linked to our everyday lives as drinking water. And yet the connection is still there. At the end of the day, our task is to sustainably protect both humans and the environment. 

UCL offers analytical work and advice in the following areas

Pointing the way

    • UCL’s history dates back to 1938 when the aluminium manufacturer, VAW, opened up its own laboratory. Find out more about the history of the Lippe Plant

    • Umwelt Control Labor performs a very important and responsible task at REMONDIS. All of the material delivered to the site is examined by the UCL experts to find out what the best treatment option is. Which means it plays a leading role as REMONDIS looks to conserve resources. By carrying out targeted and in-depth analyses, it is able to explore the recycling options in detail and, if necessary, develop new options. Ultimately, it is UCL that decides which input material can be recycled for reuse and which has to be processed for thermal treatment. Talking about thermal treatment. UCL also examines all the hazardous materials which are delivered to the fluidised-bed furnace for incineration. This guarantees that the only materials to be incinerated at the Lippe Plant are those which are permitted to be incinerated.

Everyone has links to UCL

  • The REMONDIS Group is a great example of how expertise and services can be interconnected. No other business division, however, is connected to so many others as UCL is. The following lists all the business areas that UCL collaborates with – providing analyses, advice and, where necessary, sampling services. Basically, it is everyone.

Find out more about the synergies at the Lippe Plant

Developing ideas for the future right now

  • Professional expertise and staff know-how are indispensable for carrying out reliable analyses. Laboratory services, however, are even more efficient and productive if targeted standardised procedures are used. Being a pioneer in sustainable, future-proof technology, UCL does everything in its power to further improve its processes and create the perfect interaction between man and machine. This includes exploring new options again and again to find out how best to further develop its procedures – including, of course, electronics and software. To grow its capacities as well as to provide the REMONDIS Group with even more support as it performs its responsibilities.

  • UCL is one of the leading test laboratories in Germany – thanks also to its state-of-the-art equipment

Online access – thanks to digital solutions

    • The UCL app in the App-Store and Google Play Store

    • Digitisation has long since become a central feature of our everyday lives. And of UCL’s work, too. The company does not, however, want to simply stay abreast of such developments. On the contrary, it wishes to drive them forward to further improve the link between client and service provider as well as to generally enhance quality and service. This starts with the use, processing, distribution and prompt display of analysis data in electronic data processing systems and goes all the way through to showing the results of analyses in real time. The latter, for example, is available on the free UCL app.

UCL offers its sampling and analytical services at many other locations as well. A list of all of its branches can be found on the 
UCL website (GERMAN)

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    An overview of the site


    The REMONDIS Group

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